Friday, May 18, 2012

The End is Near

Tomorrow is the beginning to the end of being fat.

Let me start off with a bit of an introduction... I'm Natalie, a 26 year old mom of four. (Yes, they are all close in age; yea, it is crazy all the time!) I never had weight issues before kids and just took it for it for granted that I wouldn't after. WRONG! You cannot gain 40-70 lbs every other year and expect it to just disappear. It WON'T happen! I tried, believe me! We are done baby-making and my youngest will be 2 in September... time to take a more proactive approach.

About two weeks ago, I met a friend of mine for lunch and she had invited another friend of hers, Tina. Believe me when I tell you, everything happens for a reason. Tina is a distributor with Herbalife! Something just clicked in my brain and I really felt like I was ready to lose the weight once and for all, and if Herbalife could help me, I was finally willing to commit. I picked up my first 30 day kit this evening along with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and am changing my body and my life starting tomorrow morning. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, new follower here :) I am so excited for you!! Getting fit is SO HARD!!! I am hoping to finally "do it" this year. Ugh!!! I have done The Shred too and it is so awesome. Dang that Jillian!! Come on 'over' and say hello sometime!
